We kindly inform you that BKT Elektronik Sp. z o.o. has a new address



Dear Customer,


We kindly inform you that BKT Elektronik Sp. z o.o. has a new address and registered office of the company.


From June 30th 2023 BKT Elektronik sp. z o.o. operates at Lisi Ogon at the following address:

ul. Wiejska 6, 86-065 Lisi Ogon

(landline phone numbers and e-mails have not changed)


In connection with the above, please direct all correspondence regarding BKT Elektronik to the address indicated above, as well as disclose the new address of the Company's registered office on all invoices, bills or other documents addressed to BKT Elektronik sp. z o.o.


At the same time, we would like to inform you that the change of the Company's address does not affect the validity of the signed agreements and does not require their change.

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